Sammy Davis Jr, Jr
kollade nyss på Everything is Illuminated. grym film! älskar såna här resestorys med unika karaktärer och roliga kommentarer, feels good! såg Wristcutters igår, också nice, fast inte riktigt lika bra. nånå, ikväll vill anders att vi ska på någon revy grej med dan viktor, och sålänge jag får fira att jag klarade av tentan så spelar det ingen roll vart vi drar.
ah yes!
Jonathan: I'm distressed by dogs.
Alex: [in Russian to Grandfather] He is afraid of dogs.
Grandfather: [in Russian to Alex] Bullshit. No one is afraid of dogs.
Alex: My grandfather informs me, that is not possible.
Jonathan: Are we close?
Alex: [in Russian to Grandfather] The Jew wants to know if we are close.
Grandfather: [in Russian to Alex] Tell him to shut the hell up!
Alex: Grandfather says we are very proximal. He says it will not be long until we get to the superway to Lutsk.
Jonathan: And from there?
Alex: [in Russian to Grandfather] How long from here to Lutsk?
Grandfather: [in Russian to Alex and Jonathan] Perhaps you would like me to stop the car,
and you two can fuck yourselves to Lutsk!
Jonathan: What did he say?
Alex: Grandfather says you should look out the window at the premium countryside.
ah yes!
Jonathan: I'm distressed by dogs.
Alex: [in Russian to Grandfather] He is afraid of dogs.
Grandfather: [in Russian to Alex] Bullshit. No one is afraid of dogs.
Alex: My grandfather informs me, that is not possible.
Jonathan: Are we close?
Alex: [in Russian to Grandfather] The Jew wants to know if we are close.
Grandfather: [in Russian to Alex] Tell him to shut the hell up!
Alex: Grandfather says we are very proximal. He says it will not be long until we get to the superway to Lutsk.
Jonathan: And from there?
Alex: [in Russian to Grandfather] How long from here to Lutsk?
Grandfather: [in Russian to Alex and Jonathan] Perhaps you would like me to stop the car,
and you two can fuck yourselves to Lutsk!
Jonathan: What did he say?
Alex: Grandfather says you should look out the window at the premium countryside.
Postat av: Lilly
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